Cathy Rees

Growing up on a dairy farm, and the youngest of five girls, Cathy learned the value of family, faith, hard work, and Community; setting the foundation for her career. She graduated with a degree in Social Work; later adding a Master’s in Public Administration and Counseling. Throughout her career, Cathy worked in a variety of settings including community development, adoption, and hospital Social Work over the years, while being a mom to four great kids. One of the highlights of her career was to start and develop holistic programs through the Real Life Center. Here she had the privilege to offer hope, and to help create long-term change in the lives of many. After twenty-plus years at the Real Life Center, Cathy recently retired and now enjoys more time with kids, and grandkids and caring for her parents; while still staying involved in the lives of others through nonprofit consulting, coaching, mediating, and mentoring. Cathy continues to work with both individuals and other non-profits, to encourage, equip and empower for change.

Cathy was especially honored to be chosen as a Fayette Woman Cover Girl in 2011 and to lead the Real Life Center to be chosen for the Chamber's inaugural Most Outstanding Non-Profit in our community. She has received several other leadership and various awards throughout her career, but cherishes most the impact she was able to play in our community; and for the people she has had the privilege to invest in, walk with, and work alongside.